PCI DSS compliance & certification for the Minneapolis-St. Paul region is available from Materdei Consulting, LLC, North America’s premier provider of PCI DSS policies and procedures, PCI security awareness training, and other essential services. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) can be incredibly daunting and challenging for businesses, particularly those new to the world of regulatory compliance, and it’s why now more than ever, merchants and service providers in the Minneapolis-St. Paul region need a proven expert when it comes to PCI compliance, along with industry leading documentation. Think about it – what does every regulation have in common? The need for documented information security policies and procedures, and pcipolicyportal.com is the go to firm for PCI DSS templates.

PCI DSS Compliance & Certification Minneapolis St. Paul, MN | Policies | Training
Since 2009, pcipolicyportal.com hast been the unquestioned global leader in providing high-quality, professionally developed templates for merchants and service providers, so visit pcipolicyportal.com and browse our selection of policy packets. As the world continues to move towards a digital economy, more and more businesses are storing, processing, and transmitting credit cards, making the safety and security of cardholder data now more important than ever.

Look, nobody really ever wants to spend hundreds of hours and endless dollars authoring PCI policies and procedures – it’s a very laborious and time-consuming process – so do what other companies have been doing and that’s turning to the trusted experts at pcipolicyportal.com. From policy templates to security awareness training – and more – we’ve got you covered when it comes to PCI compliance.

PCI DSS Compliance & Certification Minneapolis St. Paul, MN | Policies | Training
As for becoming PCI DSS compliant, follow our quick and easy process, which consists of the following steps:

1. Determine your PCI DSS requirements – specifically – can you self-asses or do you have to undertake an actual Level 1 PCI DSS assessment with a Payment Card Industry Qualified Security Assessor (PCI-QSA).

2. Obtain Policies and Procedures – Are you aware that the most time-consuming aspect of becoming compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) is developing all the mandated information security policies and procedures. And it’s also why merchants and service providers turn to pcipolicyportal.com for the very best documentation found anywhere.

3. Harden System Components – Network devices, operating systems, and the underlying applications, all have to be properly secured and hardened before deployment, and it’s why pcipolicyportal.com offers an industry leading set of configuration checklists and hardening documents that’s over 200 + pages. Keeping hackers and malicious viruses out of your environment is a top priority for the safety and security of one’s PCI cardholder data environment.

4. Conduct Security Awareness Training – Not only is security awareness training a mandate for PCI DSS compliance, it’s an absolute best practice that every merchant and service provider “should” be undertaking annually. The PCI policy packets from pcipolicyportal.com come complete with a training manual and PPT presentation, allowing for easy, comprehensive, and in-depth training. Remember also that security awareness training – when conducted properly – is one of the very best mechanisms for helping secure an organization’s critical information security assets. Employees that are well-trained and can spot security threats and issues are the best types of individuals you’ll want to have in any organization, regardless of industry. Both of our security awareness training documents are current, factual, and easy-to-use, so visit pcipolicyportal.com to learn more.

5. Perform Risk Assessment –PCI compliance also mandates that merchants and service providers perform an annual risk assessment.

These are just a few of the notable items that you’ll need to be aware of for Minnesota merchants and service providers seeking to become compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) standards. Email us today at pci@pcipolicyportal.com to learn more about our industry leading documentation and professional consulting services.
