Materdei Consulting, LLC/dba: is honored to have Charles Denyer serve as an advisory role for cybersecurity and information security to our organization.
Charles Denyer is a noted author and speaker with publications focusing on national security, cybersecurity, historical and emerging geopolitical issues. Recipient of Master of Information & Telecommunications Systems from the Johns Hopkins University, Master of Nuclear Engineering from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, and a BA from the University of Texas at Austin. Learn more at
PCI DSS Compliance – What you CAN and CANNOT Store Re: Cardholder Data and Sensitive Authentication Data (SAD)
Regarding Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards (DSS) compliance, commonly known as PCI DSS, there’s seems to be some confusion at times as to what CAN and CANNOT be stored. The PCI DSS standards are actually quite clear on this, so here they are. The following information CANbe stored for purposes of complying with PCI DSS:
The Primary Account Number (PAN)
Cardholder Name
Service Code
Expiration Date
Please keep in mind, though you are permitted to store this information, it needs to be “protected”. How so? By ensuring the PAN is rendered unreadable, by methods such as encryption, hashing or truncating.
What Merchants/Service Providers Should NOT Store – Sensitive Authentication Data (SAD)
Regarding PCI DSS compliance, the following is a list of information which should NOT be stored (however, there are exceptions, which we’ll discuss):
Full Magnetic Stripe/Track Data (Track 1 and Track 2)
CID, CAV2, CVC2, and CVV2 codes
Pin and Pin Block
The exceptions to this are simply the following: If there is a compelling and justified business reason for storing this data, then it may be permitted. Careful consultation with a Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) can help you answer this question.
And lastly, don’t confuse the “service codes” with the “CID, CAV2, CVC2, and CVV2 codes”, which seems to happen quite often. Remember, the “service code” is actually the 3 or 4 digit number on the magnetic-stripe that specifies the acceptance requirements and limitations for magnetic-stripe read transactions. In short, it’s imbedded on the magnetic stripe on the track data, typically known as Track 1 data (you can store that, it’s allowed). The CID, CAV2, CVC2, and CVV2 codes are displayed on the cards either on the front or the back.
To learn more about the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards and becoming PCI DSS compliant, please contact us today at
PCI Compliance Certification & SAQ Consulting for South Carolina Merchants
PCI Compliance Certification & SAQ Consulting for South Carolina Merchants
Materdei Consulting, LLC provides industry leading, fixed-fee PCI compliance certification and Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) consulting services for South Carolina businesses. Wherever you’re located in South Carolina – Greeneville, Columbia, Spartanburg, or any other location – we’re here to assist merchants and service providers with a complete lifecycle of high-quality, cost-effective PCI solutions. Since 2009, we’ve been the undisputed global leader in offering world-class PCI policies and procedures and other supporting documentation to merchants and service providers all throughout the globe, so visit to learn more about our services for South Carolina businesses.
Enabling Rapid PCI Compliance for South Carolina Businesses – Learn More
What’s our secret for saving South Carolina merchants and service providers thousands of dollars on PCI compliance? It’s our documentation – specifically – the industry leading PCI Policy Packets available for instant download. Remember something very important: While PCI compliance is no doubt technical in nature, often the most time-consuming initiative is developing the seemingly endless list of PCI policies and procedures – documentation that can take dozens upon dozens of hours to develop. The quicker, more complete, and more-cost-effective solution is using our high-quality PCI Policy Packets, so visit to learn more.
Need Help with PCI DSS SAQ Assistance? Call Us
Because the vast majority of South Carolina merchants and service providers can self-assess with PCI via any number of the actual Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) Self-Assessment Questionnaires (SAQ), one would think the overall PCI process is relatively easy. Unfortunately, “self-assessing” often means a challenging and tough road ahead, one that can cost businesses thousands of dollars and hundreds of operational hours wasted. The SAQ requirements are becoming longer, more complex, harder to interpret and understand, ultimately causing considerable amounts of confusion for South Carolina businesses.
Because of this, it’s highly recommended to seek out professionals with years of PCI expertise, and that’s us, Materdei Consulting, LLC. Our expert team of consultants will guide you through the entire SAQ process from Requirement 1 to Requirement 12, helping you understand scope, the actual steps to take for becoming compliant, and much more. For a cost-effective, fixed-fee, we’ll become your indispensable, go-to PCI expert, giving you the confidence and information needed for successfully completing your SAQ today. Be thankful you don’t have to undergo a Level 1 onsite assessment by a PCI-QSA, but that doesn’t mean you’re in the clear. Get help when you need it, so contact us today at and let us know how we can assist you. We’ve been helping South Carolina businesses for years, so let’s talk.
South Carolina’s Leading Provider of PCI Compliance Solutions
Whatever your needs are when it comes to PCI DSS, we can assist, as we offer high-quality, professional services at fixed-fee prices. With a full lifecycle of PCI solutions available at your disposal – from scoping & readiness assessments to assistance with completion of the various SAQ documents, and more – Materdei Consulting is here to help. We also offer the world’s leading compliance toolkits, our award-winning PCI Policy Packets, available for instant download today at
Fixed-Fee PCI DSS Services for South Carolina Businesses
If you store, process, and/or transmit cardholder data, then becoming compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) mandates is a must, no exceptions. Data breaches are occurring at alarming rates these days, so now’s the time to get serious about putting in place a robust set of InfoSec controls, and that’s where we can help. PCI compliance doesn’t have to be an overwhelming expensive and challenging proposition, and it’s not when you hire us. We’ve helped hundreds of merchants and service providers since 2009 become PCI DSS compliant, so let us help you. South Carolina businesses now have a firm they can trust, somebody with a proven track record for helping businesses achieve PCI compliance efficiently and cost-effectively. Contact us today at to learn more.
Comprehensive PCI DSS Services for South Carolina Businesses
Compliance with the PCI DSS provisions is a must for any South Carolina business storing, processing, and/or transmitting cardholder data, and we can help. When it comes to high-quality, professionally delivered, fixed-fee services and solutions, we deliver. Here’s a quick rundown of what Materdei Consulting, LLC offers in terms of PCI DSS services for South Carolina businesses:
PCI Scoping & Readiness Assessment
Assistance with Technical/Security Remediation
Policies and Procedures Writing
Help with Selecting Vendor Tools and Products
Penetration Testing
Continuous Monitoring
If it’s PCI DSS compliance you need, then contact us today at to learn more about our full capabilities for South Carolina businesses. Wherever you’re located in South Carolina – Greeneville, Columbia, Spartanburg, or any other location – we’re here to help, so let’s talk today.
PCI DSS Compliance & Certification Philadelphia, PA – Get Certified
PCI DSS Compliance & Certification Philadelphia, PA – Get Certified
Businesses in the greater Philadelphia, PA area seeking to become complaint with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) now have an expert resource, and that’s Materdei Consulting, LLC. Both merchants and service providers storing, processing, and transmitting credit card data must become PCI compliant, so contact us today at to learn more about ours services and industry leading PCI Policy Packets for helping ensure rapid and swift compliance with the ever-evolving and changing PCI DSS standards.
PCI DSS Compliance & Certification Philadelphia, PA Merchants and Businesses
When it comes to regulatory compliance – particularly with the PCI DSS standards – companies loathe spending time and money on industry specific mandates that aren’t revenue generating products and services. Even with that said, businesses know it’s a mandate and it’s got to be done, which means putting in place all necessary policies, procedures, processes, and practices for ensuring compliance is being met.
Probably one of the biggest reasons why merchants and service providers disdain the thought of becoming PCI DSS compliance is the inability to see any real Return on Investment (ROI). After all, with PCI, you’re not ringing the cash register with profits or selling additional products. But hold on, becoming compliant does help with winning new business contracts requiring such compliance, and it does help ensure the safety and security of cardholder data within one’s environment – so these are good things!
PCI DSS Compliance & Certification Philadelphia, PA – Get Compliant Now!
Compliance – particularly with the PCI DSS standards – can be tough and challenging, so what’s needed for Philadelphia merchants and service providers is proven expertise that’s second to none, and that’s what you’ll receive from Materdei Consulting, LLC. Visit today to learn more about our industry leading PCI Policy Packets and consulting services. If you had to choose between spending hundreds of hours writing policies or doing your daily workload, we think you’ll probably want to do what you’re good at, so leave the policy writing – and compliance consulting – to the experts today at Materdei Consulting, LLC.
Instantly Download your PCI DSS Policy Toolkit Today!
What’s the most time-consuming, demanding, and exhaustive aspect of becoming compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS)? If you said policy and procedures writing, then you’re 100% correct. After all, who has hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars to spend on authoring PCI policies and procedures? Not you, and it’s why merchants and service providers all throughout the globe turn to and our award-winning, industry leading PCI Policy Packets. Visit today to learn more. Hey Philadelphia businesses – want to become PCI DSS compliant quickly, comprehensively, and cost-effectively? Then talk to the experts at today. Email us at or call us at 424-274-1952.
The new digital millennium is here, and has forever changed the entire world, and this is largely due to the great influx of information technology. Aligned with the new digital world is the payments industry, one that continues to grow and rapidly evolve with new and innovative tools, all of which ultimately require some form of regulatory compliance assessment/audit/certification. Bottom line, PCI DSS compliance is here to stay, so roll up those sleeves and get compliant – now! Lastly, don’t forget that PCI compliance is not a point-in-time, one-stop event – not at all – Philadelphia businesses handling credit card data must continue to be compliant each year, which can be challenging. Need assistance, then contact the PCI DSS experts today at Materdei Consulting, LLC by emailing us at
Materdei Consulting, LLC provides comprehensive PCI DSS compliance & certification services for merchants and service providers throughout the Columbus, Cincinnati, and Cleveland metro areas and all throughout North America. With the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) continuing to expand over the years, businesses in Ohio need to start getting serious about cardholder data compliance, so talk to the experts today by emailing us at
Our PCI Toolkits save Ohio Businesses Thousands of Dollars
Becoming PCI DSS compliant for Ohio businesses requires developing an enormous amount of documentation – information security policies and procedures, and other supporting materials – initiatives that can be incredibly expensive, laborious, and time-consuming. But there is a better way – that’s right – and it begins by downloading the industry leading PCI Policy Compliance Toolkits containing all the necessary policies, procedures, checklists, forms, and other essential documents for ensuring rapid and comprehensive PCI DSS compliance for Ohio businesses in the Columbus, Cincinnati, and Cleveland metro areas. Time is money, and our PCI Policy Compliance Toolkits – available for instant download – are essential for becoming PCI compliant, and saving thousands of dollars. Some of the world’s most trusted brands rely on our documentation, and so should you.
Forget About Spending Hundreds of Hours Writing PCI Documents
Does any businesses really want to spend thousands of dollars on regulatory compliance and policy documentation – not really – so do what thousands of businesses across the country have done and that’s rely on the professionally developed documentation from the global PCI DSS experts at Whatever your PCI DSS needs are – from consulting services to PCI policy templates and policy writing, and more – Materdei Consulting, LLC can help you every step of the way, so contact us today. Visit to learn more about our products, services, and solutions. Wherever your business is located in the Buckeye state – from Cincinnati to Cleveland and all other areas – we’re the proven and trusted providers of high-quality, industry leading services and solutions for compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) mandates.
Quick and Easy Compliance with our PCI DSS Toolkits & Templates
Regulatory compliance isn’t fun – after all – it takes quite a bit of time and money, and a large part of the mandates are seen as mundane and exhausting. There’s got to be a better, more efficient way for complying with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) – and there is – it starts by speaking with the experts at Materdei Consulting, LLC and visiting for learning more about the very best tools and solutions offered by the PCI experts. The Ohio economy is picking up steam these days, with more and more technology companies being started – which is great – but it also means that various compliance mandates are now required, with the PCI DSS provisions often being the most likely framework requiring adherence. offers a wide array of tools, templates, PCI policy & compliance toolkits, and other supporting documents for helping ensure rapid and swift PCI DSS compliance.
Offering Numerous PCI Services to Ohio Merchants & Service Providers
Need to become compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards, then you’ve found the right company! Materdei Consulting, LLC, offers the following PCI DSS services for businesses in the greater Columbus and Cincinnati areas:
1. PCI Policies and Procedures Writing: One of the most time-consuming aspects of PCI DSS compliance is authoring information security policies and procedures, so turn to the experts who’ve been helping Ohio businesses since 2009, and that’s us! We offer the very best documentation available, and for instant download at Saving time and money on PCI policies and procedures development has never been easier or more affordable.
From the Self-Assessment Questionnaires (SAQ) that most merchants and service providers in Ohio can assess with, to the much-dreaded Level 1 onsite assessments performed by a PCI-QSA, documentation is a must have, so the need for high-quality, industry leading templates is essential. Our documentation is available for instant download today and comes complete will all necessary policies, procedures, forms, and so much more. Visit today to learn more. Whatever the industry or business sector you’re in, has a packet specifically designed for you.
Don’t forget that along with needing PCI policy documents, there’s also two (2) big additional PCI DSS mandates; performing an annual risk assessment, along with implementing some type of security awareness & training for your employees. Luckily, Materdei Consulting, LLC provides both services to Ohio merchants and service providers with our award-winning documentation contained within our PCI Policy Packets, so visit today to learn more. Need to speak with somebody directly – no problem – call us at 424-274-1952 today and we’d be happy to answer your questions.
This is important to note as many Ohio businesses are spending large amounts of money on costly risk assessment software, and even more money on expensive online security awareness training portals. There’s simply no need for this as the documentation we offer is high-quality, easy-to-use and implement, and included for immediate download in many of the packets we offer for sale at From 1 employee to 1,000 or more, there’s not limit on the usage of our security awareness training packets!
2. Assistance with SAQ Completion:While many merchants in Ohio can “technically” self-assess via any number of the PCI DSS Self-Assessment Questionnaires (SAQ), you’ll still be doing yourself a favor by reaching out to experts who can help guide you through the often complicated SAQ forms. Sure, SAQ stands for “Self-assess”, but easier said than done as most companies becoming challenged very quickly as they start going through the various questionnaires, and that’s why we’re here to help. Visit today to learn more about our solutions, services, and PCI SAQ Policy Toolkits, along with emailing us at, or even calling today at 424-274-1952.
And remember this, if you have to comply with two of the more complex and lengthy SAQ documents, such as SAQ A-EP and SAQ D, then you’ll really want to consider obtaining expert advice and that’s because both of these questionnaires essentially incorporate the vast majority of tests you’d have to comply with for a Level 1 onsite assessment by a Payment Card Industry Qualified Security Assessor (PCI-QSA). Talk to the experts today at for assistance with the SAQ documents; we can help.
3. Continuous Monitoring Exercises: Great, so you’ve become PCI DSS compliant, now the battle has just begun. How’s that? Because once all of your internal policies, procedures, and processes are in place, keeping them there and ensuring they’re functioning as designed can be a real challenge. The key is to implement “continuous monitoring” – a concept whereby internal personnel take charge and monitor your controls for purposes of both regulatory compliance and for best practices. It’s about finding that “PCI compliance champion” inside your business and charging them with such a task. Without having such a person, your internal control structure will come under many challenges.
4. Assistance with Vendor Selection for other Necessary Services:Many of the mandates for the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) require a fair number of technical provisioning and hardening documents to be in place, it’s just that simple. From anti-virus to file integrity monitoring – and more – Ohio businesses will need to source quality vendors for obtaining such tools and solutions. We can help, as we have years of experience in sourcing high-quality, cost-effective regulatory compliance tools for companies, to talk to us today and let us help you find the right vendor.
Another big mandate for PCI DSS compliance – depending on which Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) you fall into, or a Level 1 onsite assessment – is that of vulnerability scanning and penetration testing. These are two (2) strict mandates for PCI compliance that MUST be performed. This means you’ll need to find a suitable scanning vendor, incorporate scanning procedures regularly, and also possibly perform a penetration test annually. These mandates can be incredibly taxing and time-consuming for Ohio businesses, thus it’s important to work with a firm for helping provide a roadmap for implementation of such measures, and we can assist.
5. Partnering with NDB for Level 1 Onsite Assessments: Is your business located in Ohio and you need an actual PCI-QSA to perform a Level 1 onsite assessment, then we can help, as we’ve developed a strategic alliance with NDB Advisory, one of North America’s leading providers of PCI DSS assessments. Contact Charles Denyer at or call him at 1-800-277-5415, ext. 705 to learn more. NDB and their experienced staff have been performing Level 1 onsite assessments for years, and they offer fixed-fee pricing on all of their engagements, including penetration testing services, and more.
Wherever you’re located in the great Buckeye State of Ohio, from Cincinnati to Cleveland, and beyond, Materdei Consulting, LLC is there to assist you with PCI DSS compliance, so let’s talk today. Remember something very important that all Ohio businesses need to know; if you’re storing, processing, and transmitting cardholder data, you MUST become compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS), no exceptions. It “can” be a grueling and taxing proposition, but not if you choose to work with the PCI DSS experts at Materdei Consulting, LLC. We have years of experience helping Ohio merchants and service providers in becoming PCI compliant, so contact us today at 424-274-1952 or email us at to learn more about our products and services.
Get Compliant today with our PCI Toolkits & Policy Templates
We offer the very best documentation that’s available for instant download for Ohio merchants and service providers; essential policy and procedure templates that help companies save hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars on PCI DSS compliance costs. Visit today and browse our extensive list of PCI DSS compliance policy packets for Ohio businesses. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) are here to stay, so talk to the experts about proven PCI DSS compliance solutions. From PCI policies and procedures to SAQ assistance, and more, we’ve got Ohio businesses covered.
Materdei Consulting, LLC provides comprehensive PCI DSS compliance & certification services for merchants and service providers throughout the Portland, Oregon metropolitan region. From PCI DSS readiness assessments to PCI DSS policy documentation creation, assistance with SAQ forms – and more – we’re ready to help you succeed in the world of PCI compliance. Visit us today at to learn more about our PCI DSS Policy Packets & Templates, solutions, and services. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) framework can be an incredibly exhausting, frustrating, and time-consuming process for Oregon merchants and service providers, so call in the experts at Materdei Consulting, LLC, as we offer the following proven solutions and services:
1. PCI DSS Scoping & Readiness Assessment. It’s imperative that Oregon businesses have a strong understanding of their internal controls and what policies, procedures, and processes require attention for ensuring PCI DSS compliance. For that reason, a PCI DSS readiness assessment is an absolute must, as merchants and service providers will need to determine audit scope, who’s involved in terms of remediating gaps and deficiencies, what the costs are – both operationally and financially – and the exact timeframe for getting things done.
Without a PCI DSS scoping & readiness assessment – particularly for merchants and service providers new to the PCI DSS mandates – you’re setting yourself up for immense challenges, so keep this in mind. Our PCI DSS scoping & readiness assessments are brief, cost-effective, and incredibly valuable in terms of long-term PCI success.
2. Policy and Procedure Writing.If you stop and think about some of the more time-consuming endeavors for the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) mandates, policy and procedures writing often tops the list, and for good reasons. First, companies loathe the documentation aspect of compliance, which leaves a huge gap to be filled in terms of documentation. Second, it’s such a tedious and numbing process, that nobody ever seems to get around to performing such a task, ultimately creating a real deficiency – and need – in terms of PCI DSS compliance. Call us today at 424-274-1952 to learn more about our policy writing services for Oregon businesses.
Our documentation – available for instant download today at – has been extensively researched and written by one of North America’s longest licensed PCI-QSA’s. Additionally, the templates we offer map directly to the twelve (12) PCI DSS standards, thus ensuring you’ve got all the necessary documentation needed for PCI compliance. Additionally, because the material is so well written, detailed, and current with many of today’s best I.T. frameworks, the policies can easily be used for many other regulatory compliance mandates. Saving time and money with PCI DSS compliance begins by downloading our templates today.
Writing documentation for regulatory compliance – especially for PCI DSS – can be incredibly tedious and time-consuming, and it’s exactly why merchants and service providers all throughout Oregon – the United States and the Globe – have been turning to the experts at since 2009. Want to save thousands of dollars and hundreds of operational hours on policy creation – sure you do – so download any one of our industry leading PCI Policy Packets today and get started with creating the very best compliance documentation. With, PCI DSS compliance is fast, quick, and easy.
3. Assistance with the Various SAQ Documents. Luckily, the vast majority of Oregon merchants and service providers can “self-assess” for PCI DSS compliance via any number of the actual PCI DSS Self-Assessment Questionnaires. The challenge, however, is finding the time and having the necessary expertise on board to successfully answer and complete the entire SAQ document, so that’s where we come in. Materdei Consulting, LLC has years of experience helping businesses successfully complete the PCI DSS SAQ documents, so contact us today at to learn more. From SAQ A to SAQ D, the questionnaires can be extremely complex and challenging, and it’s why businesses turn to us for much-needed guidance and support.
4. Security Awareness Training Materials.Security awareness training – while a strict mandate for compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) – is also a best practice that EVERY business should be performing. Remember, your employees are without question your greatest asset, so treat them with respect, but also give them the tools and training they need to succeed in today’s cybersecurity world we all live and work in. Threats and breaches will happen – there’s no getting around this – but what you can do is put in place incident response measures – and essential training protocols – for helping mitigate any breaches, if they do occur.
Look, many Oregon businesses we’ve spoken to were spending thousands of dollars each year on costly online security awareness training portals, and it’s simply not needed. They took a quick glance at our security awareness training manual and PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) and made an immediate switch, saving a tremendous amount of money, and still getting top-notch training, many times better than the online portals. The same goes for our risk assessment documents; why spend thousands on costly software when our spreadsheet is easy-to-use, and often superior in terms of usability and feedback?
5. Consultation Services as Needed.Have specific questions on PCI DSS compliance and need direct answers that you can feel comfortable with? Looking for professionals with years of experience that truly understand all facets of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) mandates? Then consider speaking to the experts at Materdei Consulting, LLC, as we’re a household name when it comes to PCI DSS compliance for businesses all throughout North America. Contact us today at or call us at 424-274-1952 to learn more. PCI compliance isn’t going anywhere – that we all know – so hitch your compliance wagon to the experts at Materdei Consulting, LLC.
Think the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) are going away – think again – as the growing cybersecurity threats businesses are facing are actually making the PCI DSS standards a must. If you’re an Oregon business that’s storing, processing, and transmitting cardholder data, then you’ll need to become compliant with the PCI DSS standards, no exceptions. Materdei Consulting, LLC can help you every step of the way, from the initial scoping & readiness assessments to helping your business achieve PCI DSS certification.
6. Partnering with NDB for Level 1 Onsite Assessments.Materdei Consulting, LLC partners with NDB Advisory in helping merchants and service providers perform an actual Level 1 onsite Report on Compliance (RoC). Such reports can take a tremendous amount of time and effort to perform, so working with a trusted, well-known PCI-QSA firm, such as NDB Advisory, is a must. NDB Advisory has been performing Level 1 onsite reporting for close to a decade, so they know the industry very well and more important, know what it takes to help get you compliant, quickly and cost-effectively. Contact PCI-QSA Charles Denyer at today to learn more.
From PCI DSS readiness assessments for merchants and service providers in Oregon, to policy and procedure writing, along with assistance with the never-ending list of SAQ documents, we can assist you every step of the way. We have years of experience working with customers who need comprehensive and cost-effective PCI DSS solutions – and that’s exactly what we offer – so turn to the experts today. Visit today or call us at 424-274-1952 now. We’ve been the global leader for policies since 2009, so get the very best documentation today at
PCI Policy Templates and Policies for Cloud Computing | Instant Download
Cloud computing companies – SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS vendors – can now instantly access the very best PCI policy templates and policies from the experts at Since 2009, has been the unquestioned leader in providing the very best documents to both merchants and service providers all throughout the globe, and we know offer cloud computing specific policies and procedures. Today’s information security and digital world is all about cloud computing and it’s only going to get bigger and bigger in terms of scope and importance.
And with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) becoming an important element within cloud computing, merchants and service providers can now turn to for all their documentation needs. It’s the one-stop shop that businesses all around the world have been using for years now.
1. PCI DSS specific policies and procedures: From Requirement’s 1 to 12, we’ve developed specific documentation mapping to each of the PCI DSS mandates, thus making it easy to put in place all required policies, procedures, and more. From the CSA mandates to other cloud computing best practices and frameworks, has worked hard to develop the very best PCI policy templates and policies for cloud computing. Visit to learn more today. Keep in mind that the most operationally challenging and time-consuming aspect of PCI DSS compliance is documentation – that’s right – developing all the necessary policies, procedures, and other material essential for compliance. Don’t start from scratch, trust the experts at for the very best documentation found anywhere on the Internet.
2. Organizational security policy also provides an in-depth information security policy manual that’s a great addition to any enterprise-wide documents you’ll want to develop above and beyond documentation for PCI DSS compliance. Many companies like to separate PCI policies from their corporate-wide documents – and if that’s you – then this manual is a must-have. It’s over a 100 + pages long and full of the very best information security policies and procedures found anywhere today.
3. Security awareness training documents: Here’s a question for you. What’s the very best way to train employees on essential security issues and is also a mandate for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) compliance? It’s security awareness training, and offers an easy-to-use and downloadable packet that’s in-depth, professionally developed and immediately available. Thinking about spending thousands of dollars on security awareness training – don’t – just use our packets and you’ll be extremely satisfied – guaranteed.
4. Risk assessment materials: Assessing organizational risk – while without question a best practice every business should be doing – is also a strict requirement for PCI DSS compliance, and it’s why offers industry leading risk assessment materials with our PCI Policy Packets. Simply purchase and instantly download the very best compliance documentation found anywhere for credit card compliance.
5. Hardening forms: Being in the cloud doesn’t necessarily mean that you have 100% blanket coverage and security from today’s malicious threats and hackers, not at all. While the cloud has many benefits, YOU still need to securely harden your systems before deploying them, which means removing default account and insecure services, and it’s why we provide various hardening forms for such initiatives.
6. Asset inventory spreadsheet: You can’t protect what you don’t know you have – particularly when it comes to systems components – so it’s why provides an easy-to-use, high-quality asset inventory spreadsheet for properly documenting all network components (firewalls, routers, switches, etc.) , and servers (both logical and physical, etc.) and all other interconnecting systems. The asset inventory sheet is available for instant download and included within our industry leading PCI Policy Packets at
7. Third Party Service Provider Monitoring Packet: Is your company relying on the services of other businesses, such as the likes of data centers and managed services providers, or any other relevant third-party? If so, and these entities are performing critical tasks related to your cardholder data environment, then you’ll need to ensure you monitor such entities on an annual basis for PCI DSS compliance. Remember, you’re internal controls and the ability to ensure the safety and security of cardholder data is often only as good as the internal controls of your outsourced vendors, so make sure you’re getting the assurances necessary from them.
We provide an easy-to-use, high-quality, and incredibly comprehensive third-party service monitoring packet that’s available for instant download today with our premium PCI DSS policy compliance packets. When it comes to saving time and money on developing all necessary PCI DSS policies, procedures, and necessary forms, nobody has you covered like!
8. And More: Want to know why cloud businesses turn to when it comes to compliance needs for the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS)? Because we offer the very best, most in-depth set of documents that help ensure rapid compliance with the PCI DSS standards. Visit today and learn more about our industry leading PCI Policy Packets for cloud businesses. It’s a complete package of policies, procedures, forms, checklists, templates – and more – for helping cloud based businesses and vendors become compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) and it’s also available for instant download today at
The Undisputed Leaders for PCI Policy Templates & Documentation
Need to become PCI DSS compliant and you’re in the “cloud” – great – offers the very best documentation for compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS). If you’re about saving thousands of dollars and endless hours when it comes to developing and implementing information security policies and procedures for PCI DSS compliance, then visit today and browse our extensive list of industry leading PCI policy packets and toolkits. Cloud computing is only going to continue to grow in the coming years, so look to the experts at for essential PCI DSS documentation.
PCI Policy Templates and Policies for Cloud Computing | Instant Download
PCI DSS Compliance & Certification Charlotte, North Carolina
Materdei Consulting, LLC provides comprehensive PCI DSS compliance & certification services for merchants and service providers throughout the Charlotte, North Carolina metropolitan region. Whatever your compliance needs are regarding the PCI DSS standards, we can help, as we offer comprehensive readiness assessment services, assistance with completion of any number of the PCI DSS Self-Assessment Questionnaires (SAQ), information security policy writing, vendor selection services for compliance tools, and much more. Visit us today at to learn more. With years of helping both merchants and service providers become compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) mandates, we offer the following services and solutions:
1. PCI DSS Readiness Assessments: Need to learn more about PCI DSS scope, what’s missing in terms of operational controls and policies and procedures, along with learning about other critical PCI issues? Then it’s time to consider undergoing a comprehensive readiness assessment from Materdei Consulting, LLC. We’ll evaluate your internal controls, providing you with a formalized analysis and plan of actions for moving forward with PCI compliance. As you can see, not performing a PCI DSS readiness assessment – especially for North Carolina merchants and service providers new to PCI compliance – can create immense challenges and roadblocks for PCI DSS certification, so take the time to hire an expert – such as Materdei Consulting, LLC – and perform this vital activity.
2. Policy and Procedures Templates & Writing Services:Documentation – specifically, information security policies and procedures – is probably the largest and most time-consuming mandate for PCI DSS compliance. For this reason, Materdei Consulting, LLC offers high-quality, easy-to-use PCI policy templates for helping ensure rapid compliance. As a company, do you really have dozens of hours to set aside for authoring PCI DSS policies and procedures – probably not – so hire the experts at Materdei Consulting, LLC, as we’ve been authoring policies and procedures writing services for years, and we’re very good at it. After all, we start with the very best baseline templates found anywhere – ours – which makes writing policy documents that much easier. Visit today and learn more about our PCI compliance policy toolkits and how we can help you become compliant – quickly and cost-effectively.
3. SAQ Assistance: The PCI DSS standards allow the vast majority of merchants and service providers throughout North America – and the globe – to certify using any number of the actual Self-Assessment Questionnaires (SAQ). And while “self-assessing” seems to be a rather straightforward process for North Carolina businesses, they often find themselves challenged by many of the questions. Enter Materdei Consulting, LLC, PCI DSS experts who specialize in assisting merchants and service providers with SAQ compliance for PCI.
While the vast majority of businesses are exempt from doing an actual Level 1 onsite assessment, the amount of work required for becoming compliant via the SAQ forms can be just as taxing, it really can, especially SAQ A-EP and SAQ-D, which are include testing provisions equal to that of an onsite assessment. From SAQ A to SAQ D, the Self-Assessment Questionnaires can be incredibly challenging, so turn to the experts today at Materdei Consulting, LLC by visiting
4. PCI Security Awareness Training: Question: What’s the very best way for protecting organizational assets from data security breaches and other threat vectors? If you’ve answered security awareness training, then you’re correct! Remember that all the latest and greatest security products mean essentially nothing if you don’t have well-trained employees who can not only use the tools, but also be on the lookout for the ever-growing threats and issues in today’s cybersecurity world.
Your employees are your greatest asset and strength, so if you’re a business in the Charlotte, North Carolina metropolitan region and need PCI assistance, talk to Materdei Consulting, LLC today. Many companies we’ve spoken to throughout North Carolina were unfortunately spending thousands of dollars each year on costly, yet low-quality online security awareness training portals.
We gave them a copy of our security awareness training manual, along with the PowerPoint (PPT) presentation, and they were highly impressed. Not only was the content superior to the online training portals, it was included as part of the PCI DSS policy packets available for instant download at As for licensing, there’s not limit on how many employees can use it, from 1 to 100,000!
5. PCI Risk Assessment Documents: Performing an annual risk assessment is a direct mandate for most merchants and service providers needing to comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS). Not only that, it’s also a best practice that companies should be doing, but many are not. Think about it; how can you really run your business without knowing the relevant risks and operational threats that could potentially damage your business? In a world of growing cybersecurity challenges, performing a risk assessment is now more important than ever, so step up to the plate and do the right thing for you, your employees, and your customers.
6. Vendor Selection for Security Tools: Many of the actual mandates within the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) provisions require the use of various security tools, such as software and other devices. Because of this, you’ll need to start gathering information on the various vendors offering such solutions – but we’ve got a better idea – let the trusted experts at Materdei Consulting, LLC help in determining which companies offer the best products and solutions for your business. From FIM tools to WAF products, and more, we’ll put you in touch with the right providers.
7. Need a Level 1 Onsite Assessment: partners with NDB Advisory for clients seeking an experienced, well-established Payment Card Industry Qualified Security Assessor Company for Level 1 onsite assessments. Contact PCI-QSA Charles Denyer today at to learn more about NDB’s onsite auditing services. Charles is one of the longest licensed PCI-QSA’s in North America, having spent years working with a wide variety of businesses from coast to coast, from startup entities to large data centers, multi-national corporations, and much more. NDB also offers fixed-fee pricing for all their engagements.
PCI DSS Compliance & Certification Charlotte, North Carolina
When it comes to professional PCI DSS services and solutions for North Carolina merchants and service providers, look to the experts at, the global leaders for PCI DSS policy toolkits since 2009. We are the proven and trusted leader for merchants and service providers all throughout North America – and the globe – offering the very best PCI DSS compliance documentation found anywhere.
Whatever your needs are for PCI DSS compliance, from scoping & readiness assessments to policy packets, security awareness training materials, risk assessment documents, and more, turn to the experts today at There’s simply no reason for spending thousands of dollars on policy toolkits and templates for PCI DSS compliance as our documentation is simply second-to-none. North Carolina businesses seeking to become PCI compliant can call us directly at 424-274-1952 for assistance.
PCI DSS Compliance & Certification Charlotte, North Carolina